The Connect 99 support scheme of the European Union is set up to "provide support for preparatory actions aimed at developing links between the areas of culture, education and training with the help of research and new technologies". More information about the program can be found here at the server of the EC.
In July 1999, Gavin Henderson, artistic director of the Summer School, Jonathan Impett and Bert Bongers put together the proposal, from which we quote:
"Hypermusic systems use new computing paradigms and sensing technologies to allow extension and distribution of the activities of the musician in space and time. By treating all performers and instruments in their 'virtuality', interaction with machine, composition, other performers and their environment are made possible over any distance or time. Compositions are created from the very activity of performance. At the same time, the individual musician is restored to the centre of his own activity, subject to the musical work, and presence to environment of its performance."