Publications of Bert Bongers

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Books and book chapters

Interactivation - towards an e-cology of people, our technological environment, and the arts. PhD Thesis, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. July 2006 ISBN 0-9737-8370-2 order
Interaction with our electronic environment ­ an e-cological approach to physical interface design, Cahier Book series (no 34) of the Faculty of Journalism and Communication, Hogeschool van Utrecht, April 2004 ISBN 90-77575-02-2
Palpable Pixels: A Method for the Development of Virtual Textures, chapter in the book Touch, Blindness and Neuroscience Madrid 2004
Physical Interaction in the Electronic Arts: Interaction Theory and Interfacing Technology, Chapter in Trends in Gestural Control in Music CDROM edited and published by IRCAM (Institut de Reserche et Coordination Acoustique / Musique), Fr., ISBN 2-84426-039. April 2000.

Journal papers

Tactual Articulatory Feedback and Gestural Input, with Gerrit van der Veer. Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 2006 [conditionally accepted and re-submitted].
Towards a Multimodal Interaction Space - Categorisation and Applications, paper for the special issue on Movement-Based Interaction of the Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing [accepted for publication], 2006
The PhotoMirror Appliance: Affective Awareness in the Hallway, Panos Markopoulos, Bert Bongers, Erik Van Alphen, Jasper Dekker, Wouter Van Dijk, Sebastiaan Messemaker, Joep Van Poppel, Bram Van Der Vlist, Dirk Volman, Gilles Van Wanrooij. Paper for the special issue of the Journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing in 2005, Springer-Verlag
Approaches to Creating Interactivated Spaces, from Intimate to Inhabited Interfaces, with Yolande Harris Journal of Organised Sound, Cambridge University Press, Special issue on Interactivity 7/3, December 2002
Interaction in Multimedia Art, Knowledge-Based Systems journal, special issue on Creativity and Cognition. Elsevier Press, ISSN 0950-7051, Volume 13, number 7/8, December 2000, pp. 479 - 485 Available here on the web.
Tactual Display of Sound Properties in Electronic Musical Instruments, Displays journal, 18(3), special issue on Tactile Displays. ISSN 0141-9382. May 1998
Multimodal Interaction Styles, Bert Bongers, Berry Eggen, David Keyson and Steffen Pauws. HCI Letters journal 1(1) Springer-Verlag, ISSN 1430-8630, 1998.

Conference papers

Towards a Multimodal Interaction Space - Categorisation and Applications, Abstract in the Gesture Workshop, Vannes France, 2005
CHI 2005 Workshop "HCI PhD Education" White Paper, with Gerrit van der Veer, 2005
Sensing Systems for Interactive Architecture, short paper, Symposium on Gesture Interfaces for Multimedia Systems, Leeds UK, March 2004
Improving Gestural Articulation through Active Tactual Feedback in Musical Instruments, short paper and demonstration, Symposium on Gesture Interfaces for Multimedia Systems, Leeds UK, March 2004
Interacting with the Disappeared Computer, short paper for the Physical Interaction Workshop on Real World Interfaces at the Mobile HCI conference, Udine Italy, September 2003.
Using Electronic Musical Instrument Design Techniques for Measuring Behaviour, Proceedings of the Measuring Behavior Conference, Amsterdam, August 2002, pp 22 - 25.
Interactivating Spaces Symposium on Systems Research in the Arts, 14th Annual Conference on Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics. July / August 2002, Baden Baden Germany. Downloadable here.
A Structured Instrument Design Approach: The Video-Organ, with Yolande Harris. Proceedings of the Conference on New Instruments for Musical Expression, May 2002, Media Lab Europe, Dublin Ireland.
Hypermusic and the Sighting of Sound, A Nomadic Studio Report, with Jonathan Impett. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, September 2001, Havana Cuba.
Global String, A Musical Instrument for Hybrid Space, with Atau Tanaka. Proceedings of the Cast01 Conference on Communication of Art, Science and Technology, September 2001 / GMD - Schloss Birlinghoven, Germany.
Using Haptic Feedback to Enhance Computer Interaction for Motion-Impaired Users, with Simeon Keates and John Clarkson. Paper proposal for the International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, September 2000, Sardinia, Italy [accepted]
Exploring Novel Ways of Interaction in Musical Performance, Creativity & Cognition ACM conference proceedings, Loughborough, UK. October 1999 ISBN 1-58113-078-3/99/10, pp. 76 ­ 81
Multimodal Interaction Styles, Bert Bongers, Berry Eggen, David Keyson and Steffen Pauws. Short paper, HCI'97 Conference Companion. HCI'97 Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Bristol, UK. August 1997
Tactile Display in Electronic Musical Instruments Colloquium Digest, IEE colloquium Developments in Tactile Displays, London. Jan. 1997
The Use of Active Tactile and Force Feedback in Timbre Controlling Musical Instruments, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) in Århus, Denmark. September 1994.


Consultancy and (internal) reports

Multimodal Interaction in Protospace, reports for and with the Hyperbody Research Group of the Delft University of Technology, 50 pages in colour, January 2005, and 24 pages, February 2006
Investigating the Role of the Sense of Touch in Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction. MSc. thesis, University College London, The Hague / London. September 1999. Abstract
Interactivating Technology, Modular Human Interface System, research report for FoAM Brussels, 18 pages A4, September 2002
Metronom Studio, Laboratory for the Electronic Arts. Set up phase report, 68 pages A4/A3, illustrated, Barcelona March 2002
Physical Interaction Systems for the Metapolis Media House, 18 pages colour A4/A3, August 2001
Metronom Electronic Arts Studio, project proposal, 19 pages A4, illustrated, February 2001
Heptameron Sensorik, 15 pages A4/A3 + appendices, sensor and interface technical advice for the Heptameron opera commissioned by the Munich Biennale, ZKM Karlsruhe, January 2001
HyperMusic and the Sighting of Sound, project report and CD's for the European Commission, together with Jonathan Impett and Yolande Harris, February 2001, 91 pages full colour (available on line at
Threshold Levels of Tactual Sensitivity of Motion-Impaired Users, internal report, Engineering Design Centre, Cambridge University, June 2000
Investigating the Role of the Sense of Touch in Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction, unpublished MSc. thesis, The Hague / London. September 1999.
Physical Interfaces in the Electronic Arts, Workbook for the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, September 1999.
Technische Werkplaatsen Beleidsplan, with Willem Jan Gasille (ed.), Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, 53 pages A4, Amsterdam, August 1998
A Survey and Taxonomy of Input Devices and Haptic Feedback Devices (Philips Report, company restricted) Nat.Lab Technical Note TN-298/97. October 1997
WWICE User Interface Concepts (Philips Report, company restricted). Richard van de Sluis, Bert Bongers, Han Kohar, John Jansen, Steffen Pauws, Berry Eggen en Huib Eggenhuisen. September 1997
Multimodal Interaction Styles: 1996 Year End Report Philips report (company restricted). David Keyson, Bert Bongers, Berry Eggen and Pete Dixon. January 1997
Ease of Use programme, phase two multimodal interaction styles: Expert Appraisal, Philips report (company restricted), Pete Dixon and Bert Bongers. 1996
Key Concepts of Multimodal Interaction, Project Definition. Philips report (company restricted), Berry Eggen, Bert Bongers, Don Bouwhuis, David Keyson, Jan Odijk, Steffen Pauws and René Scheffer. 1996


Magazines etc.

Een computer moet je kunnen voelen, Automatiseringsgids feature article, with Gerrit van der Veer, May 2005. [in Dutch]
Interactivating Spaces L'Arca Edizione architectural magazine, essay accompanying images of projects of Sonia Cillari, June 2003
An Interview with Sensorband Computer Music Journal. 22(1). MIT Press, ISSN 0148-9267. Spring 1998 pp. 13- 24 and front cover. Here on the web.
Applying Technology in Music: Where It Came From and Where It Should Be Going IndieVisions Newsletter for Artistic Technologists, Pavo Inc. Seattle, WA, August / September 1997
New Electronic Musical Instruments, Restoring the Relationship Between Sound Source and Control XOOtic Magazine, magazine of the association of alumni and students of the Post-masters programme Software Technology, 4/2, December 1996.